ArduPilot avrdude error

I've been getting the following error when trying to upload to my ArduPilot 328 using the FTDI cableavrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51This is on an ArduPilot that was working (able to add and retrieve way points) a few weeks ago. I'm now getting the same error with an older blue ArduPilot 168. The FTDI cable seems to work, as I'm able to upload sketches to an Arduino clone (also 168). I get the error on 2 different windows and 1 linux machine, with both Arduino IDE 16 and 17. I've tried with and without the shield and all the pins appear to be properly soldered, although I suppose I could go over them once more with the soldering iron.Any idea on how to troubleshoot this problem? Are my ArduPilots fried? Any way to check? Should I get a new cable? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.ThanksDaniel

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  • I got that error alot. For me, unplugging and plugging back in the USB FTDI cable from the computer and restarting the Arduino Software before each upload worked as a temporary fix.
  • Thanks for the link Chris. I wasn't aware of that debugging tips list, although I've tried most of those things. My FTDI cable is a few years old, not from Adafruit or DIYDrones but looks identical, so I assume it's the same thing. It has worked before. I guess I'll have to try another "fresh" pc just to make sure there isn't a driver related problem, even though it was removed and reinstalled with the latest driver from the site.

    Is there anyway to tell if the bootloader is corrupt before I invest in an avr programmer?
  • 3D Robotics
    Have you run through all the debugging tips here?
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