ArduPilot Code Upload Error

Hi,I am getting the following error when attempting to upload the code.avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51I have assembled the board with shield and the LED sequence is as expected. The configuration is as follows:1. Red ArduPilot purchased from SparkFun in July.2. Tried both the Arduino IDE versions 16 & 17 on a Windows Vista Home Laptop.3. Tried the FTDI from Ardu Store and SparkFun.4. Tried TWO Ardu boards with and without the shields.5. Tried ArduPilot 2.2 & 2.2.36. Board is being powered from an ESCI have cross checked the seven things in an earlier post on a similar error and also troubleshooting tips on the Arduino forum.I do not have the hardware necessary for updating the bootloader and it will take be 2 weeks to get the same - I stay in Bangalore.

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  • Thanks very much for the support. I tried on another laptop, this time with XP and it worked. I will try again with the original Vista Home laptop and reloading the FTDI drivers and the RTS on close setting to try to get to the bottom of the problem. For now, I am starting with the ground testing.
  • I had the exact same error, and I noticed that I was able to upload code successfully only when I started working and wouldn't be able to upload subsequent times afterwards.

    This worked for me:
    5) The board is set up to auto-reset when you load a sketch with the FTDI cable, so you don't have to manually press the reset button to get the bootloader. If that's not working for you, check the RTS setting in your PC's port settings ("Set RTS on close" should be checked) as described here. [Note: if you're using Linux, there's no direct equivalent to this. Instead, you may have to unplug the USB and plug it back in every time you want to upload code]
  • 3D Robotics
    If you've carefully gone through ALL seven things on the debugging tips, your problem is probably the FTDI drivers. Can you try again on another PC?
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