Bangalore, Karnataka
About Me:
I am a social entrepreneur and have founded and till recently been Chief Executive of Comat (, which has been empowering rural citizens by creating local economies and enabling access to information and services. I have a post graduate engineering degree in computer science and close to two decades of experience as a social entrepreneur. I am now founding an NGO with a focus on Poverty Alleviation / Rural Development in India.
Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest
As part of NGO, I have been looking at ways of collecting independent data on various development projects (Government, NGO and Multilateral agency funded). AP using UAVs seem to be a cost effective option for capturing key data on activities ranging from Infrastructure creation (homes, roads, tanks) to school attendance. I am trying to put together a low cost, high reliability UAV system together with a sustainable business model that can deliver independent data on development projects in Rural India.