IMU V2 to Ardupilot communication problem....

Hi Guys,


      Have a bit of a problem which i dont think fits in either 2.6 or IMU.....(please correct if wrong)


Ok...we have the IMU V2 coded with v1.7, set for NMEA (using a locsys gps), setup to speak this new fangled emu language:).....


Sorted the IMU, hooked up to HK`s superb little widget. The cube, adn all the readings are obaying my every whim, fancy and far so good...


Do a ground start, calibrates....a few sec later the GPS lock is on, excellent...


OK...being out of the loop for a while, when world was full of thermopiles and check systems, got a loose grasp on the IMU config.


So ,.


Coded one of my AP`s with 2.6, shield V2 still attached, did the D13 pin, extra hook up for throttle control, set GPS to IMU in .h., made the IMU to AP links as per manual...

link D6 to IMU


ok, made a heath robinson, data out to FTDI so i can read what is coming out of teh AP (to teh GCS in effect)


Fired it all up....


AP cycles through setup...ok

IMU cycles, calibrates, locks...

AP, bluelight still flashing....


If i read the data coming out of IMU, all is as it should be all angles, GPs etc........then switch to Binary (re-load file in IMU) for AP garbled, as expected


check data from AP to Roll, Pitch, Yaw Data, also it says No GPS for 10secs....


Obvioulsy set the RC to ch5 sw down = man, mid=-stab, up=FBW


So with aircraft nailed to AP, all controls are working on the switch as expected, but pos 1 and 2 , just make the ails go hard left...ok...not too suprising considering that there is no discernable data from IMU to AP....


tried radiosetings on and off...I.e sticks to set throws...


To looks like the AP is ignoring the IMU, been around the wiring....then tried another AP board & Shield just incase i was being a muppet and had fried summet....




The real bugger is i cant show any pics of data or setup, as its at work..(internet is horsedrawn with dial up there)...


I have RTFM`ed....MANY times..



can anyone shed any light on this?


Thanks in advance...

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  • Developer
    Nathaniel, Dr. Mike, and everybody,

    I finally just got a blue shield to investigate, and I am leaving on 2 weeks vacation Saturday, so I am trying to look at this very quickly (because I have other people with other problems and I really want to keep Mega moving along).

    So, stupid question perhaps, but is there a problem when using the blue shield with just using #define SHIELD_VERSION 0 ?

    That was the first thing I tried and it seemed to work for me. If that works then it is a matter of Jason and/or I not understanding the differences in the v1 versus v2 hardware and I can clean up the code to remove the confusion. If there is a problem with using SHIELD_VERSION 0 please tell me specifically what problem you are experiencing.

  • Hello all,
    I've removed my shield and am running the ArduPilot + IMU in an old Graupner Electro-UHU electric sailplane. With the new MUX code I've had three successful flights in Stabilized, FBW-A and RTL modes. Thank you all for the help, and I hope to have vids of the ArduUhu soon!

    Cheers, JJ
  • Gentlemen,

    Chris, thanks for getting into this, im glad in a way that you have managed to replicate the same results..

    The videos are superb, it answers alot for many now that we have a benchmark of behaviour in setup.

    sorry for my tardines today, just been tied up doing husband type stuff.

    Also CONGRATS Chrystof.....another step to success..

    I personally only used Earls simple code to set pin 7 low, which kept it simple for me, but Hops, code look far more elegant,

    Again many thanks......

    Now.....GPS...NMEA and why deos it drop out!?

    Hope you guys gave had a good weekend..been a public holiday today...and thoroughly enjoyed the time off! :~)


  • Developer
    Hey guys - I've been busy the past couple days and just noticed this thread.

    I have been using ArduPilot with 2.6, the IMU, and the shield for quite a while with no problem. The thread is a bit tough to follow so could we back up and confirm a few things.

    The configuration I have been using without problem is ArduPilot running 2.6 code with the old (red) shield and the IMU.
    In the ArduPilot header file I have #define SHIELD_VERSION 0.

    Is anyone running this configuration and having a problem ?

    If you are running some other configuration and having the problem could you summarize your configuration for me.

  • Thanks Everyone,

    I tested Hops code and still seem to have trouble:

    Configuration - Using Shield V2 & IMU
    The SHield (AP) get GPS lock and stays locked, but the IMU does not show GPS lock. XBee is sending out data from the IMU. However, the GPS data is not coming thru (all zero values).

    I wanted to try back without the shield to see what happens and the code upload failed (stk_getsync() error) on both my APs (changes were Shield - -1). I will fix this and get back to debugging.

  • Gentlemen

    I was testing the code change :

    void setGPSMux(void)
    #if SHIELD_VERSION < 1 || GPS_PROTOCOL == 3 // GPS_PROTOCOL == 3 -> With IMU always go low.
    digitalWrite(7, LOW); //Remove Before Fly Pull Up resistor
    digitalWrite(7, HIGH); //Remove Before Fly Pull Up resistor


    and it works perfect for me. Changes of behavior are the GPS LEDS. They all go permanent. The IMU LED goes steady when GPS lock is achieved.

    For those with no suitable editor I attach the system.pde
    I was also thinking about the usability for all different systems and I believe it should work this way. With shield 2 and IMU 2 with uBlox, it does.

    For now I was just running around the yard with GCS connected. Tomorrow I will test the system in the air.

    BR Christof


  • Sorry, that suggestion was a quick'n'dirty hack... If it does work and is 'a keeper' the correct form should be something like:

    // This hack is to control the V2 shield so we can read the serial from
    // the XBEE radios - which is not implemented yet
    void setGPSMux(void)
    digitalWrite(7, LOW); //Remove Before Fly Pull Up resistor
    digitalWrite(7, HIGH); //Remove Before Fly Pull Up resistor

  • Gentlemen

    Thats to much Information for now. I have to think about that tomorrow. I will post my results.
    My question is, has somebody in the comunity a working AP with IMU and what changes where made.
    Maybe Chris coud post his comments too.

  • OK..its working.......did i mention...ITS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!


    Things to check gentlemen.......

    Data In on shield....

    on both of my shield.....the in pin is open circuit to the connector into the AP....

    I made a massive bodge (no soldering iron here) with a strand of wire (Heath Robinson would have been proud), this completed the circuit to teh AP...

    Solide blue on AP and IMU, all outputs are showing full data

    Also things that are now known....

    The Locosys at 5hz in NMEA works fine...all data is being parsed correcty to AP and subsiquently to the GCS...

    next problem, but a small one...we need to be able to turn off the health check for ublox with NMEA....

    I cant thank you guys enough for the inspiration to look further than the code.


  • Was just checking to see if you get both packet types in binary:
    The short one is "DIYd" followed by 10 chars (this is shown in the binary file you uploaded).
    The other is "DIYd" followed by 23 chars. These can appear as spaces, tabs and newlines.
    DIYdbFø¶f¯[4? ÎøÀ??

    -edit It looks like ning has mangled the packets I pasted.
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