Ardupilot Failsafe

Hello all,

I have had no luck whatever with getting throttle failsafe to work. I have set up the config file to: THROTTLE_FAILSAFE 1, THROTTLE_FS-VALUE 920 (my radio throttle drops out at around 935) and FAILSAFE_ACTION 1. It is difficult to ground test this but in the air by collapsing the antenna on my 72Mhz radio the plane quits running and the control surfaces go nuts. I have regained control by extending the antenna again a couple of times I crashed, I hate it when that happens. The plane showed no tendency to turn and head home. I have been using version 2.7.1.

Any ideas?


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  • Developer
    If your throttle failsafe value is 920, but your radio only drops to 935 when it looses signal then you will not go in to failsafe.  You need to have the failsafe value set below your normal low throttle value but above the value your receiver will output on loss of signal.
  • Hi David,


    Sorry for another post, now I see that you use the Red board or the 328.  Would you mind sharing your APM_Config.h file?


    Best wishes,



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