
ArduPilot - FBW Testing - Need Help/Confirmation

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  


I am looking to just get confirmation that I (at some level) understand the testing process in the FBW modes.


So, from what I've got from reading the manual and pouring through posts, is this:


Fly By Wire modes are essentially only used for tuning.  


In FBW-A (no throttle) if you are in straight and level flight and roll to either side, the plane should maintain that bank up to the max bank setting based on configuration as opposed to flying manually where you would eventually roll over.  During this bank the plane should not gain or loose attitude (altitude).


In FBW-B (throttle in play) the elevator is taken out of the loop and is used by the pilot to trigger the reaction of the ArduPilot based upon how it's configured to react to the gain or loss of altitude. 


So if a person has tested in Stabilize mode and everything is good.  FBW-A is next.  If they are lucky enough to not be significantly different than an easystar they may test find in that mode with little or no required changes.  FBW-B is next and simply test to see if the plane speeds up or slows down depending on the "error" that you trigger by manually moving the elevator.


Then you could try other testing like RTL or Loiter.


I must say this is the most confusing stuff so far.  I hope I have the general idea.  


Please chime in...

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  • Developer
    I would not say that FBW modes are only used for testing and tuning. I do most of my manual flying in FBW-A mode. I find it to be the easiest way to fly by far. You cannot do acrobatics, etc, but it is more stable and predictable than flying in Stabilize mode. For models that I actually want to fly them for the fun of flying the plane I don't bother with APM at all, but for FPV and other "assisted" flying, FBW is the way to go.
  • Moderator

    If Stabilize works then FBW will too. Stabilize is very similar to FBW_A, except that the bank angle is limited. I use it for FPV and for teaching flying, for both of which it is ideally suited as the bank/pitch angles are never exceeded. I've used FBW_B but found no real use for it other than to test if your settings are fine.


    RTL and Nav are the ones that I had the biggest problems with getting tuned, overshoot on a turn was the big problem. Some of my troubles are documented here:


    Good luck



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