
ArduPilot Legacy - XY Sensor Tuning Question

I use the ArduPilot (L) & 2.7.1. My setup is going ok but I think I may need to adjust the XY sensor trim settings to get out of a persistent climb.What value to you enter for adjusting:#define PITCH_TRIM 0 // deg * 100 : allows you to offset bad IR sensor placement#define ROLL_TRIM 0 // deg * 100 : allows you to offset bad IR sensor placementIs it like adjusting the PID gains where an adjusted value of .001 will to the trick, is it a whole number like say 1 for 1 degree of adjustment? What if it needs to adjust the other direction then -1 (negative 1) to start with?I'm trying to get rid of a left hand bank during FBW that is a lazy turn but right turn is nice and tight. I noticed that front to back the sensor is level but side to side not so much. Also the left bank turn angle is less than the right turn angle.I've moved the GPS which possibly could have been observed by the sensor,(don't think it was, but moved just in case).All help is appreciated.

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  • Developer

    ROLL_TRIM is an integer so 100 is a small change (1 degree). Note that it's degrees * 100 so: 4500 = 45°





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