Ardupilot Mega 2.5 sudden flip!

Hi I have flowm R/C fixed wing and helis for years but have just started with copters .

I bought a 525 from Goodluckbuy China and it came with a Kk board it flies OK with that .

But I wanted more so I got an Ardupilot Mega V2..5 some set up issues but I got it working .


Now the question first flight on the patio ut was stable BUT it suddenly flipped backwards . I had stabilise set on all switch positions .

I got a new prop! reset ESCs flew it over grass keeping low used up the batterey no issues except trim out .

Discovered Auto trim set althold and loiter on CH5 and tried again .

Trim worked Ok . Flew again tried flight modes but stayed low .

Sudden violent flip to left and it hit vertical . I am noew waiting for new props the rest seems to be OK .

Now the big questioin can I maKe sure it doesnt happen agaoin??

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  • Moderator
    Did you buy the APM 2.5 from them as well?
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