ArduPilot Mega IMU Drift?


Hi All,


I have stuck a ArduPilot Mega to the side of my Trex450 to see how it performs with the vibrations.



I noticed a lot of drift from the IMU, for example if I change the pitch and only the pitch I notice the IMU thinks it is rolling as well. This is displayed in the video below quite clearly. If I leave it on the bench it displays flat and level after about 10 seconds.

Is this normal or is something worng?



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  • 3D Robotics
    Simon, are you using a magnetometer? If not, drift is unavoidable on helis, because the GPS module cannot give an accurate directional vector when hovering. (This is not a problem with planes, which are always moving forward).

    There is a version of the ArduCopter code for Trex450s here. Flies great!
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