
 I have ArduPilot Mega (red PCB) with blank Atmega 328p MCU and can't make PPM encoder work.

1. Got latest sources from GIT
2. Build firmware
3. got ardupilot_mega\ardupilot-mega\Tools\ArduPPM\ATMega328p\Encoder-PPM.hex file
4. flashed this firmware using command avrdude -e -c stk500v2 -p m328p -P com4  -U flash:w:Encoder-PPM.hex  -U efuse:w:0xF4:m -U hfuse:w:0xD9:m -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m  -U lock:w:0x0F:m)
5. I have 16MHz signal on oscillator, and blue LED is slowly blinking (So MCU works and fuses seem to be OK)
6. I have connected RX to all 8 input lines
7. Connected to PC using FTDI cable (power comes from this cable) - Sensor board is disconnected.
8. Checked signal on Input lines - 5V. Looks good to me.

Problem is - ArdupilotMegaPlanner connects to board, but reads no signal from RC receiver.

Any ideas?

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  • Today with fresh head, I found solution. There is confusion with programming fuses.

    avrdude -e -c stk500v2 -p m328p -P com4 -U lock:w:0xFF:m
    avrdude -e -c stk500v2 -p m328p -P com4 -U hfuse:w:0xDF:m -U lfuse:w:0xFF:m -U efuse:w:0xFE:m
    avrdude -e -c stk500v2 -p m328p -P com4 -U flash:w:Encoder-PPM.hex  -- started to work!
    avrdude -e -c stk500v2 -p m328p -P com4 -U lock:w:0xCF:m -- after this line MCU stops responding (flashing)

  • How are you powering the board?  I think the USB power does not power the Rx as standard. 

    You might want to look at this mod: http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/simple-apm-2560-power-hack

  • Developer

    I fear that question is best answered by a comparison test with a new red board. I'm on red board #4 (my mistakes). 

    I remember reading in the wiki that input 8 should not be connected, except for a special mode or something. 

    Not sure if that is relevant, but I thought, I'd offer a suggestion. If I find it I will comment with a link

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