ArduPilot on ESC/BEC/Batt

Hey guys,


Been stalking this place for a long time while working on things, and pretty much found everything I ever needed, but now looking for some help.


So I am right now running the ArduPilot Mega off a 25A ESC, but it is getting HOT. I mean REALLY HOT (the ESC). So I was going to run it off a separate BEC off the ArduPilot channel 3 output. So I hooked the BEC to the +\- on the rail, and then took the signal controller wire from the ESC and put it on top. The engine was ALL over the place, randomly cycling up and down. So now I am thinking about just giving the ArduPilot a 1300mah LiPo that I have, even though I really don't want to add the weight. So a couple of questions:


On a 1300mah 3s LiPo, what kind of time do you think I will get on the ArduPilot?


And really the main question, so if I have the ESC still plugged in providing power, will I be draining off the ESC and the dedicated battery? I have seen how to add the battery to the ArduPilot directly, but still don't understand how the power is distributed, or if power from a battery and the ESC will cause an overload.


Thanks guys!



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  • 3D Robotics

    Is APM working correctly otherwise? Unless you created a short in your soldering, the power demands should be pretty modest.

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