Ardupilot Potential soldering short

Ok I was going through testing the soldering I did on my ardupilot mega board... I was testing the resistence between adjacent pins to see if there was a short. When doing so I got good results and everything checked out.  That is until I got to the 3x16 connectors. Here is where I started to see shorts. They appear to only happen along the bottom rung of pins. This leads be to believe there is a short however I don't see any signs of where the solder may have bridged a connection.


Does anyone know if these pins are connected internally on the arduino mega board?  I won't be able to attempt to re-solder these until Monday morning but any help would be appriciated.


Also is there a way to test built into the Ardupilot software? I haven't seen anything and won't have the remainder of my parts for a few days

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  • That's not a short. That's the ground rail. You will also find the middle row "shorted", it's the +5v rail. This provides power to your servos and receiver and receives power from your ESC. You should how ever check between the bottom and middle rail since you're checking. This would be a direct short of you power system.

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