Ardupilot RTL and Auto ground height parameter

In ArduPilot 2.6, the RTH and after the last waypoint in Auto the airplane comes back to the home position and circles overhead at what looks to me around 50 feet above the ground or so.  Where in the code can I change the height in which it fly's above the ground  (say 100 feet) while in either of these programs?


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  • Where in the config tool do I change this?
  • Developer
    Altitude for RTL is handled by the Config tool.

    Here is the code:

    // Altitude to hold over home// Set by configuration tool
    // -------------------------
    if (config_tool_options & HOLD_ALT_ABOVE_HOME){
    next_WP.alt = current_loc.alt;
    int hold_alt_above_home = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t *) 0x16);
    next_WP.alt = home.alt + ((long)hold_alt_above_home * 100);
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