Ardupilot V2 shield

I have been enjoying flying my Easystar for months now and have recently installed the shield with air sensor equipment. I also have the telemetry working transmitting to an Ardustation. Airspeed on the Ardustation always indicates static speed beginning with values in the 300 range unlike the zero I would expect to see. I understand the data is displayed raw so don't expect to see MPH or KPH but it should be Zero to start with. If I puff on the pitot tube the value rises and if I lightly draw on the tube it goes to zero. Does this mean the pressure sensor is not functioning correctly?


In a related note, we set the speed of the plane in the config file in meters per second. The autopilot needs to control the throttle with calcs based on the air speed using formulas from the GPS and I assume blended with the airspeed sensor readings. One, if the airspeed sensor is off how is it possible my plane appears to fly properly in spite of this? And finally if the speed in meters-per-second is recieved raw it must do some math for the conversion to control the throttle. If so then that information could be transmitted to the GCS right? 


Sorry for the long windedness but it all ties together. Please does anyone have an answer or understanding of these questions. I cannot find discussion in other forums regarding this?

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  • Hello David,

    see this post.


  • Hi David,


    Let me ask you some questions, I have older Ardupilot boards and I want to give it a go again.  Which board that you're using now?  I didn't have them working but I'd like to hear from you.


    Best wishes,



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