Ardupilot's max loop speed

I am flying my ardupilot in a fast Elektro junior S, It runs ardupilot 2.4 and I have a FV-M8 GPS and DIY drones termopiles.

The question is:
How fast can be the attitute data rate and position datarate set without overloading the Arduino?

define ATTITUDE_RATE_OUTPUT 200 // The output rate of attitude data in milliseconds. Useful if you want to increase the output rate. WAS 250!!!!!
#define POSITION_RATE_OUTPUT 3  //This number will be multiplied by ATTITUDE_RATE_OUTPUT, the result is the refresh rate in milliseconds. WAS 4!!!!

This is my actual setting and sometimes the gps lock is lost for about a sec, it is not rock solid. Could this be a problem? Am I overloading the Arduino?

Many thanks!

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  • Thankyou very much, extremely useful information, since I am tweaking up my xbee too (tthe 868 mhz european version, we already have a discussion about them here on DIYD).
    I wil take your advices and let you know if more help is needed to understand the code/ tweak it.
    Cheers from italy :-)
  • The timers you changed are only for sending data out the serial port to the Xbee. The main loop actually runs very fast. Increasing the print rate is probably slowing things down. Look in the system tab near the bottom where all the Serial.print commands are and you will see how these timers are used. You may be loosing GPS in a steep turn due to antenna not pointing up. The helical antenna on the Ublox works better when banking.
  • 3D Robotics
    Timing is pretty sensitive in this code. I would be careful about changing loop speeds, since it can cause data loss. Why do you need the loop speed faster?
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