Ardupirates GPS hold

Hi, I am able to get my quad flying perfectly in stable mode without GPS hold working using ArduPiratesNG - in the Arduino software I chose AP_GPS_MTK16 (DIY Drones 1.6), and in the Configurator it shows that the flight software version is V2.01.

The problem with this is that GPS does not work - in terms that the red light is blinking (no GPS information registered).

However, if I change the comment line in Arduino to use AP_GPS_MTK (DIY Drones 1.4), then in the Configurator, the flight software version is GPS_MT, and the red light stays on solid, and it 'seems' that the GPS is communicating with the quad.

The problem when I use the AP_GPS_MTK (DIY Drones 1.4), is that my quad does not fly at all - even after re initializing and re callibrating everything. 

I am using ArduPirates - not ArduCopter.  Is there some kind of conflict between the GPS firmware? Or am I missing a critical step in this.  I have researched and found some tweaking of Arducopter (that is, changing or setting of protocols) but this option isn't available in ArduPirates.

Hoping for some insight,


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  • Hi Rich:


    What version of the firmware is on your GPS?  The firmware version on the GPS must match the firmware you have selected in the code.  There is a section in the wiki on updating your firmware for your GPS (I am assuming you are using the DIYdrones Mediatek GPS).  FYI - do not assume that if you recently bought the GPS unit that it will have the latest firmware on it.  Reasonable assumption, but still an assumption....


    This may or may not help, but it can't hurt to make sure you have the latest firmware regardless.



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