ArduPlane 2.24 Auto modes problem

Hi All,


I loaded the APM 2.24 with all the default parameters today and went flying.  Stabilization and FBWA worked fine but when switching to  AUTO or RTL modes, the plane goes into a dive.  I've tried setting waypoints with both relative and absolute altitudes with the same end results.

Does anyone know what is going on?



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  • Hi,

    I know that this question should be posted into another topic but I couldn't find such one.

    Could anyone tell me what the MAV_CMD_DO_REPEAT_RELAY command stands for?

    Many thanks in advance!

  • Hi Guys,

    Major problem again in AUTO mode.  The plane flew fine on the first test run under all modes but during the second flight I ran into the same problem which caused the loss of my first drone. 

    I planned a mission with waypoints 300m above takeoff.  When switching to AUTO instead of climbing to the set altitude the plane goes into a nose down attitude picking up a lot of speed up to 130kph at some point! 

    Attached is the APM planner log.  At about 72.5% I am switching from Stabilize to AUTO.  Again the same results at about 80.5%. 

    Furthermore no logs were recorded on the APM itself.  Here's what I get:

    3692312060?profile=originalHere are my log settings:


    Please help!

    2011-12-03 10-27-53.tlog

  • H

  • Hi Guys,

    My new plane is up and flying and almost crashed again on it's first flight.  This is my 3rd APM so I hope you guys can help out.  I've attached the flight logs from the GS.  At about 42% I am still on the ground and verifying proper surfaces deflection...pitch is working as it should be in stabilize mode.  At about 62%, while in flight I switched from manual to stabilize and the plane went into a vertical nose down attitude...luckily I was able to regain control. 

    Does anyone have any idea as to what could be going on?

    2011-11-20 05-48-51.tlog

  • Developer
    make sure you erase the logs, even if there are none, when swapping firmwares
  • Same thing happened to me...


    Today I've uploaded ArduPlane 2.24 via APM software. Set up as usual - all left untouched except radio calibration, modes and airspeed sensor=off for today. Went flying - stabilize and fbw works ok, but when switched to RTL - plane goes to a dive.

    Back home I wanted to analyze logs, and here what is tells me:

    APM trunk] logs

    logs enabled:  ATTITUDE_MED GPS PM MODE CMD
    No logs available for download

    Log] logslogs enabled:  ATTITUDE_MED GPS PM MODE CMD
    No logs available for download



    So is there anything wrong with my logs? It is enabled but not working???

  • Developer

    I have been flying 2.24+ quite a bit lately and never had such an issue.  Are you using an airspeed sensor?  If so check that it is giving proper readings and that you have an appropriate value for cruise_speed.

  • Hi guys,

    We had the same problem although we use the 2.23 firmware version. I attached the log file (at 20 % you can see the Auto mode) In Stabilized mode everything is perfect. We don't want to change the firmware version until we make sure that is solve the problem because when we tried to upgrade it,it killed the chip somehow.

    Many thanks and greetings from Hungary

    11-10-05 01-46-55.tlog
  • About  3 1/2 weeks ago I was flying with APM version 2.211  


     I took it up to a high altitude and put it in loiter mode, it flew 3 complete circles right on top of one another (I know this because I was able to recover and plot the data later on).  It was a beautiful thing to behold, the sun was shining, life was good!  


    Then I decided  that it worked so well I should bring it down lower and do it again so that I can better see my plane fly a perfect circle.  So I switched to manual, brought it down to about 75 feet and switched back to loiter.  It immediately rolled right and went into a completely vertical power dive straight into the ground. 


    I think I switched it back to manual about 1 second before impact, way too late to do anything.  Fortunately I built the plane with an eye towards protecting the electronics inside and it all survived.  I have not had time to build another plane yet but I do have some data and will give it a closer look.  I thought it was an isolated incident or a temporary bug in 2.211 but maybe not.   In any case it is part of the excitment of playing on the bleeding edge. 

  • Ok how much of a dive? Is there a major control problem, or is it just going to a lower altitude? Get some major altitude and try it and see what happens while you still have time to goto manual. And set a wp with a higher alt just to make sure. This way we see if it's a way point issue or control problem.

    Or maybe your just really high when you switch over, try lowering the nav_pitch_max or what ever and see what happens.


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