Arduplane HIL Flightgear problems


i own a Ardumega 2.5 since a few days and i would like to start some HIL-Simulation with FlightGear. At first i have to say that it is really easy if you know how to set up Ardupilot, MissionPlaner and FlightGear. The infomation i found at the manual/wiki are not up to date so it was really annoying to find these right settings. It would be really nice to update the wiki.

But now the HIL-Simulation is running with some errors in pitch, yaw and roll. The information shown in Missionplanner-Simulation tab are right (position, roll, pitch, heading). I also can steer the plane with my controller (Rascal-RC).

The GPS-Track and altitude is ok but the heading is always wrong. The roll and pitch information get an error at high rates (deg/sec). At constant roll and pitch in FlighGear the infomation in the MissionPlaner are right.

The flight-information shown in Missionplaner do not really fit with the flight situation in FlightGear. In manual-mode it does not really matter but all other modes will not work.

Is this a known problem? I tried changing some parameters with no success.

Thanks for helping me.

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  • Dear friends,
    I want to do HIL simulation with flightgear and have following setup.
    GCS 1.2.76, Ardupilot 2.5 and Flightgear 2.10.
    I have followed exactly the steps given in the following link.
    but not able to get everything working. I launch Rascal RC plane from flight gear. 

    I am facing two main issues.
    1. After uploading a set of waypoints, I put the autopilot in manual mode for take off but as soon as I put throttle some times some other flight mode gets engaged (circle, RTL etc.). I dont know why??

    2. Sometimes I am successfully able to take off but as soon as I put Auto mode, throttle goes to zero and plane starts falling from sky.

    Thanks in advance for helping me out.

    • Hello Guys,

      Please help me out. I am able to launch rascal RC plane. I am using the latest version of flightgear and v2.68 for the arduplane HIL code. I am able to communicate with mission planner as I can see my radio inputs on mission planner on the other hand I can also see aircraft state parameters like altitude, airspeed and heading on mission planner but not able to control the plane either in manual or auto mode. Any one has any clue about it. I think the control command are not reaching the flightgear. How to debug the interface between mission planner and flightgear.

      • Hi,

        2 years ago i got arduplane HIL simulation running. I used firmware (HIL) 2.68 because the newer ones didn't work. I started yesterday with newest version of flightgear and mission planner. With firmware 2.78b (HIL) i had the same problem as you. Everything was working but rudder signals do not reach flightgear. I could not figure out why so i switched to XPlane 10 demo version. This is working with firmware 2.78b and 3.2.2 (both HIL) but not with newest 3.3. Just google "HIL arduplane Xplane" and you will find information about network settings for XPlane10. This is really simple. I had to change gains in mission planner simulation tab to 500 to got full rudder in manual mode. It is really important to change update rates in mission planner configuration tab to highes possible values. Otherwise RC input is not smooth enough. This values are no saved so you have to set them each time you start simulation. Good luck.

  • I use the "native-fdm" for output. Generic protocoll with MAVLink.xml is not working.

    My system: Win7 64bit; Flightgear 2.10; MissionPlanner 1.2.48 Mav 1.0; Ardupilot Mega 2.5, HIL_Plane 2.72 Firmware

    I have no idea at the moment.

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