arduplane "off the shelf"

so I'm sure there's gotta be a way to do it but can anyone point me in the right direction to find out how to set up arduplane using off-the-shelf components?I have an Arduino Mega 2560 a whole mess of different sensors including several different GPS's a couple of different xbees.I'd like to use my openLRS for my radio....I mean my understanding is this is supposed to be an open source project but is there anything proprietary it would keep me from running the most current version of the software/firmware and are there any particular sensors that have to be a particular model in order for this whole thing to work?I can see myself buying a whole set up in the future when I'm ready to do a small clod maybe but for right now I've got an 8ft wingspan senior telemaster that doesn't care if I use a full size Arduino board or not.....I'm kind of excited to get started so if anybody can point me in the right direction I'd certainly appreciate it.and I have experience with Arduino as well as some Multiwii experience so I'm not starting from scratch just a nudge in the right direction would be great thank you.

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  • Its possible but it will take a long time, I think you should just get a cheap apm board and modify it? Does that make sense for what you need?

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