Hi all.  This question has already been asked in a similar thread, but with no responses, I'm taking a second stab at it. 

The RTL behaviour I get when I select RTL is that the aircraft rapidly descends to RTL altitude at its maximum descent rate, then motors home.  As I mostly use AP in gliders, I would like to configure it so it descends at whatever angle will take it home, using the motor only if needed.  Often I will have lots of altitude to glide home, but the RTL function descends as fast as it can, wasting a good deal of altitude. 

Is this tunable somehow, or is it a logic change?  I could set the max descent rate to really low, but then it would take a long long time to descend if it is close to home.  Any suggestions of where to start looking in the code/configuration?

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  • Hi,

    I have looked through the code already Here.

    As far as I can see, there are only min. and max. pitch to adjust, and the parameter for how high above home RTL should go to.

    Waypoint flight will ramp the altitude linearly between waypoints. And as far as I remember, when you engage auto flight, it will do the same from the point it was engaged.

    You could set a waypoint above your home, and use auto on that instead of RTL.



  • This is a very good question.  So the autopilot could cause it to not make it back to the desired location for landing?  I don't know but is there a setting to disable logic for powered flight?  Perhaps it thinks it has power when in fact it does not?

  • Good point, this should be standard.
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