Arduplane throtle in stab mode?

hi,i been using my apm2.0 with arducpter for a while and decided to try arduplane, have all configured just 1 thing in stab my apm will apply throttle even though my throttle stick at 0, good thing while i was testing it prop was off and one of motor wires are unplugged so the motor wont spin, if apm apply throttle in stab how do you actually land the plane then?

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  • ok recalibrate everything seem ok now but, found something else, does it normal in manual mode APM limit my throttle to half and when i switch to stablize it when back to 100%, i can't do much with half throttle if launching in manual mode as I always need 65% throttle to make my plane fly, any idea where this limit cam from?

  • 100KM
    Your motor should not be running in stabilize mode. I had the same problem last week. Turned out my radio was not synchronized. Also check your throttle trim, min and max.
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