After a bit of work I'm finally releasing version 2.0.14 of Ardustation 2.  The missing D terms had been in place for many weeks, but through testing,  I found an issue with parameter values timing out when full feed is started. This problem was due to the amount of Mavlink traffic approaching the limit for an Xbee and causing the parameter response messages to be corrupted. I've added a parser change to allow the parameter responses to be transmitted correctly - even when Mavlink 1 Hz messages are not fully transmitted. You may see a lack of update in the Mavlink attitude message when using this version, but this is intermittent and only affects the display of roll and yaw on the flight display. This issue should be fixed with Mavlink 1.0. Antenna tracking should work as before.

This is also an interim release since I'm at work on a combined Mavlink 0.9 and Mavlink 1.0 version which will be released shortly. A transition to Mavlink 1.0 is imminent and you'll need version 2.0.15 to support it. The released version is available here:

and is also available in my git clone here:

and you will need a git client to pull the clone down.

As always, please let me know if you have any issues with this release.


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    Heino,THANK YOU for your work.
    Works well!


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