"Hi Heino,
your 2.0.15 worked well with the ArduCopter 2.55. (with Mavlink 0.9)
After updating to ArduCopter 2.6 and Ardustation Mavlink to 1.0, I have no real function, with the Ardustation ;-(
There appears no heartbeat.
You had tested the 2.6…"
"Hi! Nice things you are doing here.If I want to use the Ardustation for Antennatracking only (with Missionplanner), i have to connect TX from 3DR module to the 2nd pin of XBee socket on Ardustation. Do not connect RX. Then it works for me.
I put RX…"
"Pan.Write(180.0-Bearing_Home); // reversed pan servo rotation"
i had to change the pan servo rotation, but with the big W in "Write" it gave a mistace. It must be written with a small "w", now it works!
Sorry, but my English is poor.I added a 3DR-module in my Ardustation and it works well.
You must take the Rx and Tx ports of the XBee socket and 5V and Ground of the contacts under the buzzers.
The LEDs (Rx+Tx) are not driven"
"Hallo zusammen
Kämpfe zur Zeit mit einem APM2 auf MK-Hexa-Rahmen. Leider hat auch mein Board die Probleme mit der Scalierung des MPU6000 ;-(
Keine Freude an dem Ding das PID-Tuning zu machen. Hoffe auf die 2.5.5, die das Problem beheben soll.