
  • Did you solve this. What extra gotchas did you encounter ?

  • Joachim, YOU ROCK!  Thank you for figuring this out for the rest of us!  Quick question, this requires two sets of 3DR radios, one air and ground from my laptop to the aircraft, and the second set is used for the tracker with the ground 3DR in my laptop USB port and the air module plugged into the ardustation, is this correct?

  • Hello

    Sorry, but my English is poor.
    I added a 3DR-module in my Ardustation and it works well.

    You must take the Rx and Tx ports of the XBee socket and 5V and Ground of the contacts under the buzzers.

    The LEDs (Rx+Tx) are not driven


  • +1

    I'm interested as well. I can hook a 3DR to a small form factor laptop but the ardustation would be a more portable and integrated solution.

  • no answer ? 

    I have no XBee module. I buy the new kit 3DR Radio 433.
    I want to use a tracking antenna.
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