Arming ESC/Motors


ive installed my Ardupilot Mega 2.5+ and have followed the procedure to arm the esc's and motors and only 3 out of the 4 motors arm and spin. The motor that doesn't arm is the one connected to the rudder/yaw channel - it just slowly beeps.

Ive had a look at the troubleshoot guide and cant see anything immediately obvious to resolve the issue.

Any ideas ?

thanks Graham

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  • ive done a bit more investigation and the motor beeps signify that the voltge input is abnormal. I have checked the power harness voltage outputs for all of the motors/esc's and they all read the same, so Im baffled why this one motor wont arm. 

    Ive tried the motor by itself and it works fine.

    Any ideas anyone as its driving me potty......

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