aurdupilot as fancy camera timer.

I have a full ardupilot with everything but the xbees as they are not in stock.

I have the relay wired to my camera and when I trigger the relay it takes one pic.

I have the defult mode of the ardupilot set to auto. I have the mission planner option for do_repete_relay set to 100 cycles each every 10 sec. I write the mission to the board but it dosent start.

How do I start the replay repeating?

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  • The mission will only start once you enable AUTO mode while flying, or on the ground (with auto-takeoff)

    I dont think you can run AUTO mode as "default" as in auto mode you have no control over the quad

    Also im not sure if the APM will start a mission without any RC input. Eg. to start a mission, the quad needs to be armed (flying) or on the ground, where u need to give 10-15% throttle to start the mission...

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