Hello everyone! I am new to pixhawk. I am trying to do a Hardware in the Loop Simulation using pixhawk and xplane as discribed here. I am using QGroundControl as my GCS.
What I have done:
Pixhawk Connections:
I have connected pixhawk to my computer through USB.With pixhawk I have Connected a buzzer, LED switch, GPS + Compass, PWM to PPM encoder in the RC socket for radion communication, Connected the radio reciever with the encoder. My Radio Transmitter is Futaba.
QGroundControl & Xplane:
Then I configured QGroundControl & Xplane as the instruction given in the HIL page of pixhawk. I have choosen correct airframe, callibrated my radio. In summary tab everything is showing green.
What problem I am encountering:
After configuring QGC and Xplane I tried to fly manually in the simulation. Everything worked fine. Then I setup this simple mission and configured QGC in a way so that I can switch between manual and auto mode through radio switch. But when I tried to upload to pixhawk, It reported "Landing: last waypoint is too high / too close" and refuse to take the auto mission.
Now I can't even try manual mode. Each time I tried to fly in manual mode(sometimes I can fly manually for few seconds) it first reports "Manual control lost", then it triggers failsafe mode and I can't control through radio.
My Questions:
- Why this problem is happening? How can I solve this problem?
- How to correctly setup an auto mission? What things should I consider?
Any good document will be appreciated. I am newbie to pixhawk and UAV in general, so may be I couldn't provide all the necessary informations/logs, I am apologizing for that. If anything missing please ask I will update my post accordingly.