Auto mode

Hi all,

I've recently bought a separate GPS/Compass and it arrived with a 6 pin to 6 pin cable. On questioning the seller they said to use the side port instead.

I've done this and every thing works well in all modes apart from auto. When I try this mode, mission planner says 'Auto' and then 'heading to waypoint 1' but nothing happens. it just stays as if its in loiter.

Any ideas? Would it be the GPS, What is the difference between the 2 ports?

If it is the port could I rewire the cable to a 5 pin?

Any help gratefully received.



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  • Have you changed the option in MP to say to use the external compass?

    Do you have a mission planned?

    • Yeah, Mission planner updated, mission added to apm, read and rewritten.


      If something wasn't seup right, wouldn't it effect Loiter as well?


      Thanks for responding Alan

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