Auto Mode Problem

I have been trying unsuccessfully to get Auto mode to work in Ardupilot APM1 for past two weeks. Now I really need some help. 
In the Ardupilotmega Mission Planner, I setup and loaded into APM1 a simple waypoint track consisting of home and 4 waypoints. Then I set Auto mode to radio channel 5. Before flying, I stabilised the plane and waited for APM1 gypos and GPS to set. I also confirmed Auto mode on in the APM Planner Flight Data HUD screen.  
Then I launched the plane. I tested first that stabilize mode was working fine.
Then I switch to Auto mode and the following behavior happened during various flights: 
1. Plane immediate tracked back to launch point and circled overhead forever.
2. Plane increased throttle and went off in one direction at high speed. 
3. Plane circled at its current location once, then spiraled down to the ground. (Need to disengage Auto mode fast.)
4. Plane flew the waypoints track once, then went back to launch point and circled forever. (Only happened twice!)  
The attached files contains screendumps from the ArdupilotMega MAVLink window, for mode 8 setup, output after turning on mode 8 (don't understanding the codes here), and the waypoints setup.

mode 8 setup.jpg

mode 8 output.jpg

mode 8 waypoints.jpg

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