Auto Pilot

So I want to build this auto pilot that is the point of this group and so is there a list of parts to buy and the layout? I found the boards for sale but I dont know wich ones to buy. And it seems that someone has some of the parts needed but how do I get them? Please let me know wich things I need and what parts go with them. Also I was wondering about the interface. Is there a program that lets me control the plane or the autopilot? Any way you guys have been great and thanks for all your help.Jason

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  • 3D Robotics

    All the files and links are now here.
  • 3D Robotics
    I would recommend that you wait until the commercial board is ready in a month or so. If you haven't been following along, it's too hard to explain everything now (it's all in the posts here, but that's a project log so it's hard to follow. We also haven't listed all the components in the commercial board, pending it passing QA). The interface is the Arduino IDE.

    Stay tuned. It won't be long. When the board is out of production, I'll also post the links to buy the bare boards and components for the those who want to DIY.
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