Posted by Toby Stein on October 16, 2009 at 9:34am
Hello, hope all is well,> I recently purchased a X-3d BL with the new funpilot (successor to x3D board) and x-acc board> what is the ideal setup to do GPS position hold and waypoint navigation with video?
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are u saleing yours? do u know anyone that has the new one out for sale? because i wanted to do a trade for a new gaui 330x and some crash for the new x3d bl ufo there nothing wrong with my guai 330x i just think the x3d alot better so that why i wanted to get one everyone said its like 3 times better or more.. so just trying to fine someone that will sale me one for a good price ... u can email too at if u know anyone that has one for sale thanks
my name Rhine
but I am not up-to-date on the funpilot, though I assume it is the ARM7-based controller they had under development.
The main thing to sort out is the communications between the controlling processor and the x3d. ASCTEC provided a 9600 baud serial interface and a control protocol that we used for basic vehicle control. Once you have the movement control, it's not difficult to compute GPS waypoints and feed all of that into a control loop. The main issue we encountered was that the x3d was less stable than we expected - it was unable to hold position without external guidance, and that was ultimately why we abandoned the project and moved to blimps.
my name Rhine
but I am not up-to-date on the funpilot, though I assume it is the ARM7-based controller they had under development.
The main thing to sort out is the communications between the controlling processor and the x3d. ASCTEC provided a 9600 baud serial interface and a control protocol that we used for basic vehicle control. Once you have the movement control, it's not difficult to compute GPS waypoints and feed all of that into a control loop. The main issue we encountered was that the x3d was less stable than we expected - it was unable to hold position without external guidance, and that was ultimately why we abandoned the project and moved to blimps.