auto take off fx-61

Hi Guys,

I have got a fx-61 some day ago, and I am having problems with the settings for taking off in auto mode.  The plane doesn't keep its heading, always turn right and up, so it gets down inmediatly. Have you tried to take off in auto mode?, if yes which parameters do you use?, 



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  • 100KM
    Is your plane flyingd fine in fbwa mode?
    • Well, I have done a test in fbwa mode by hand, and the plane responses fine, I mean the ailerons move correctly.

  • 100KM

    I'm going to try this shortly. I remember there being a maximum climb angle? Is your plane stalling?

    • Yes it is, I set it to 5 deg/seg but it doesn't work.  What I am doing in mission planner is to plan a mission, the first command is takeoff, when I start auto mode to launch the plane, the ailerons place in a wrong position, I think, because the left one goes down and the right goes up, and they should place up, so when I launch the plane, into the wing direction, it goes up right and then crash down.  

      Any ideas, how can I correct this?


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