Auto-Takeoff Fixed Wing

I have a fixed wing tricycle gear airplane I am trying to implement auto-takeoff with. Also, I am not using an airspeed sensor so I would need to hold a constant climb pitch.
Testing the feature with the engine off I see that the throttle goes to 100% once put it in auto, but I do not see the elevator deflect at all. Is this normal since the plane is not moving yet? Also, what is the best way to set the desired pitch for takeoff?

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  • Hold that thought. I hope to have an answer soon. Unless, you already have one?

  • Just seeing if anyone had any thoughts?

    • OK, cracked it I think. Just doing a bench top run through for a flight soon (tomorrow does not look good).

      For a tricycle undercarriage:

      In the parameter list check the following:

      TKOFF_MINSPD = 0

      ROTATE_SPD = whatever the takeoff speed for your aircraft is (Vstall + 10-20% say)

      TKOFF_MINACC = 0

      TKOFF_MINSPD = 0

      TKOFF_THR = 100%

      Changing these values disables any throttle safety lock associated with hand launch and prevents any premature pitch up until you are above stall speed and can safely get airborne.

      Remember to set pitch angle and altitude in the TAKEOFF Waypoint.

      To enable, ensure transmitter and ground station are both selected away from AUTO, line the aircraft up on runway heading into wind, when ready select AUTO at the transmitter or ground station and the motor/engine will accelerate to 100% (assuming that is the throttle setting in the config file). The aircraft will remain on the ground (pitch neutral or slightly down) until Vrotate and then pitch up and climb at the pitch angle to the specified altitude. The aircraft will drift sideways with any cross wind.

      SAFETY: While configured for runway takeoff the motor/engine RPM will increase to max allowable if AUTO is inadvertently selected - so be safe.

      Hope this helps.

  • Anyone?

  • If anyone has experience with this and can tell me what to expect I would much appreciate it. Thanks.

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