auto tune and gimbal


i currently switch from firmware 3.0.1 to 3.1.rc7. i am interested on auto-tune feature because my current settings do not perform good(smooth) loiter(rc3.0.1). my stabilised mode works very good and the copter interact perfect without wobbly, overshoot or oscillation effects. but in loiter mode i get small and fast oscillations(pitch & roll). especially if its a little bit windy day. this oscillations will affect my camera gimbal because the dampers can not compensate this radial(pitch, roll) oscillations with his more or less low frequency (i am thinking ~2 - 5hz). in stabilised mode the copter including gimbal fly very smooth.

my question,

can i performing the auto tune feature with a mounted gimbal? because the gimbal dampers. or it is better to perform auto tune without gimbal?

i am unsure because the gimbal is at least a important part and brings a lot of extra mass to the copter. especially here the gimbal is a big one which can carry more heavy cameras.



image copter with mouted gimbal and his mounted cx 730 retainer.


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  • I'm not shure if the best think to do is to put an extra weight, similar than the gimbal but well fixed, without any movement? perhaps is a good question to ask to Leonard in that topic. My copter have some variation in reaction when I change his weight

    • Hi, I'm testing the autotune withouth gimbal, at last completed autotune, I install the gimbal and test video and the process improve more quality to video, but the aqua effect not eliminate yet. The test of result here in video 

    • I'm reading in another forums the same idea, but anyone confirm the results. i'm testing autotune without gimbal and post my result here. i hope works fine later when install gimbal in quad copter, best regards!

  • ohh,

    my question is solved. i find the answer her .

    i will now remove the gimbal for autotune.

    • Thanks!, I try today without gimbal

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