Auto-Tuning FX-61 with Skywalker X8 params

I flew my FX-61 with the X8 the params. The flight went ok. My question: I need to Auto-Tune the FX 61, will it tune with the X8 params loaded or do I need to load some say ... default params and then do a Auto Tune??

Thanks, Brian

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  • If it is controllable in FBW, then AUTOTUNE will work fine. It takes time, don't end too early. You should always have full stick deflection during autotune.
    • Had a great flight today. Autotune worked good. Flies and turns very well.

      Thanks, Brian

    • iskess,

      FYI, it was my maiden flight. Yes, it is controllable in FBW. Hopefully tomorrow I'll AUTOTUNE!!!

      Thanks, Brian

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