
I just want you to know that my automatic landing was partially succesful.

I also want to try the auto-Hover feature of the Mission Planner which is the Loiter mode

The bad thing happen was my helicopter suddenly crashed when I set the mode to "Loiter". When I tried setting the mode to Loiter, the next thing the helicopter does was an instant crash. I was wondering if anyone of you here have experience this? and if so what would the probable cause be?

Based from the logs, the throttle out was set to 0 as soon as I tried setting the mode to Loiter. I don't know why it happened, it's just so that the throttle became zero for nothing. Is there any reason why thishappened?


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  • Pat, were you armed when you went into Loiter?  Do you have the ESC routed through the APM?

    I'm going to need logs to figure out what you guys have going on.

  • Hi

    I experienced the same thing. I went from Stabilize to Alt_hold without problems. Then i went to Loiter and after 2 seconds it went crazy. I switched to alt_hold and it was still quite unstable but better than in Loiter. Switching back to Stab it was "controllable" but still unstable. Landed and disarmed. Tried everything again with same result.

  • Congratulation  Automatic Landing Success ! 

    By the way : Did your Heli ALT_HOLD very nice (V3.1.2 software) ?

    • Hi Cao!

      We weren't able to actually test the alt_hold function yet, I will inform to you as soon as I was able to test it.

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