Automatic TakeOff Issue

Hi guys,
in the last flight test I carried out I encountered a problem during an automatic bungee take-off.
Given that I had already done another 4 launches and missions all went well without reporting anomalies
at launch n°5 The following happened ....

1 Turned the aircraft on the ground
2 Waiting for the time necessary for initialization and for GPS Fix
3 Connection with Mission Planner
4 Read the mission already present in the autopilot (already flying in previous flights)
5 ReUpload the mission
6 Prepared the aircraft on the bungee and Armed the engine
7 Launch from the bungee

The aircraft came out of the bungee properly setting the engine to full throttle as it should but did not hint to rise to the altitude set for the takeoff (50m) but instead remained at about 10 m from the ground in level flight.

Has any of you already experienced similar behavior?

FW Version Plane 3.8.2

Thank You

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  • One thing that might perhaps be relevant is that, if take off angle is not set, the aircraft will not rise. Automatic waypoint creation (e.g. via Survey Grid) will put a non-zero angle but manually making a take off WP will create it with zero angle and you need to remember to edit it and put in a non zero angle yourself (not sure if this has been changed in more recent versions of MP but used to trip me up in the past, I occasionally had to take manual control of a take off and raise the plane to altitude). Not sure if that is what happened here but worth a look.

  • Sabotage by a gremlin , .... Or you could post dataflash logs if you wish the answer to be based on anything :)

    Good and bad takeoff log would be even better in some cases.

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