Autonomous landing at altitudes above or below home altitude

How are autonomous landings handled at altitudes above or below the home location?

The wiki pages all seem to imply that landing takes place at the same location/height as takeoff, but what if that is not the case?  How does the code handle this situation and would the addition of a sonar sensor help (or is it required?)

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  • This is something i have been wondering about lately, I will be doing a fair bit of flying in areas with quite rugged terrain such as mountains & valleys. i have been concerned about if my hex went in to FS Land mode, when for example i had taken off from the top a hill then flew over a valley, if APM decided to land my Hex it would carefully descend to the height of the take off then potentially drop several hundred feet to the bottom of the valley. by default i have RTL enabled for my failsafe so it should make its way back home but if for example the GPS signal dropped out (i have known GPS to be flakey around some steeper valleys due to reflected signals) then APM would switch over to Land.


  • To land at an elevation above your takeoff point you can enter the difference of elevation in the altitude field on the Land WP. I'm not sure if it will take a negative number for landing below your home altitude. If you try it let us know.
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