Hello community,

I trying to autotune my fresh builded slowfly quadcopter ( 360kV , 16*5.5" props ) without succes

beacause of my poor experience in log analysis and tuning, i'd like to understand what exactly doing wrong and how to improve it.

I've searched around the web about this issue but I have not found anything tangible.

27/04/2015 10:54:47 - 043392: Mode Changed to 616
27/04/2015 10:54:47 - 043392: Mode Initialised at 50.033057 5.5083942 Alt: 7.95 Spd:0.29
27/04/2015 10:55:10 - 048701: AUTOTUNE ERROR: Bad Gains (failed to determine proper gains).
27/04/2015 10:55:44 - 056348: AUTOTUNE ERROR: Bad Gains (failed to determine proper gains).

So does anyone have a way to explain what's happen ?

You can found the full log here : Google drive

Thanks for any help !

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