Currently I use a QAV400 with 1100kv motors, 8x5 props on 4s with AC3.1.5.
Had several successful AutoTune steps with the other Copter I got.
I put the QAV400 into AltHold and the Autotune it stated twitching left right and so on but then suddenly stopped. I had to land disarm and rearm the copter to start again but with the same result....
Whats wrong did it reach max or min PID values?
Attached the log file of the flight.
My autotune always run the roll-autotune routine and when it's time for the pitch-tuning routine nothing happens it just holds the altitude? I have a fairly big copter, T960, ~6kg. Wonder why it stops, any thoughts?
I check your parameters, there's strange RATE value, please try again with this one and check if Autotune work fine:
RATE_RLL_P, 0.140
RATE_RLL_I, 0.160
RATE_PIT_P, 0.140
RATE_PIT_I, 0.160
STB_RLL_P, 5.0
STB_PIT_P, 5.0
??? I can't find those values, they are more like 0.05999997. Did you check the right log file?
Yes, i check your log, there's inside this parameters:
PARM, RATE_RLL_P, 0.05999997
PARM, RATE_RLL_I, 0.05999997
PARM, STB_RLL_P, 6.84375
PARM, STB_PIT_P, 6.84375
First you must replace this one with the other in my previous post, then retry Autotune.
when I do check the file I find:
PARM, RATE_RLL_P, 0.05999997
PARM, RATE_RLL_I, 0.05999997
PARM, RATE_RLL_D, 0.0035
PARM, STB_RLL_P, 6.84375
PARM, STB_PIT_P, 6.84375
Hey Andy i think your getting confused mate
Marco is asking you to go to the CONFIG/TUNING tab in Mission Planner and change the values for RATE_RLL_P,RATE_RLL_I,ect to the ones he posted first and retry to auto-tune.
oops sorry for that you're right. Sorry I will try it with those values! thx man