Hi All,

I have flown my quad 12 times now, using the stock pid param as per 3.2.1

I get ~25min per flight with small HD Tube nose-mounted FPV cam.

I now want to attempt Auto-tune to optimize the rig.

 I don't think I am experienced enough to do PID tuning manually.

However, I read somewhere around that Auto-tune can fail on bigger, heavier quads, with low kv motors.

My build is based on the Tarot 650 Sport Quad Frame (X-config)

FC - PixHawk (3.2.1)

Motors - Tarot 4114  320kv    

Props - CF 1550

ESC - HobbyWing Xrotor 40A

Batt - 8AH 6S

AUW : 3kg

1) I would like to know if Auto-tune can be done successfully on this build.

2) Do you recommend that I first upgrade to 3.3.3

Thank you for your valuable comments.



Cape Town, South Africa


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                • Yes i will as soon as i get a chance to fly its been horrible weather these days in Canada. For pics pls PM me. 

                  • Weather near perfect in Sunny Australia

                • Hi Gerhard

                  To perform autotune you must have the following. In alt hold mode and the throttle at or very close to 50%. If the throttle is not 50% autotune wont start. I recommend you perform the 3 axis autotune one at a time. This is set in Mission planner. You will be surprised at the autotune perimeter results. My X8 flys great after autotune. Very Happy

                  Cheers Henny 

          • Also i have the same ESC and i never failed auto tune. I have the same frame but different motors 380 KV from tarot. 

  • Hi All,

    Thank you for your valuable input re ATun etc.

    Steps I am going to take includes -

    Upgrade to latest stable FW

    After setting the default params and fly in stbz m

    Fly in AltH to record frame vibes.

    If this is within the params, I am going to attempt ATun.

    I will keep you posted on my progress.

    Once again, thank you DIY.



    Cape Town

  • what exactly are your concern, and what is it based on ? - untested sync issues in your motors/ESC's or the tuning loop itself ?

    • Hi Andre,

       I have no experience with pixhawk FC,  this is in fact the first for me into the UAV-tech.

      I realize that most forum-users are highly-experienced already the PixHawk and

      UAVs in general.  Hence me touching base on others' experience and advise.

      So, it is not that I am having problems, I just need some confirmation from the forum

       that auto-tune is suitable for my particular set-up, prior to doing ATun.

      IMHO  the  construction and components are well-placed and mounted properly.

       The Vibes Graph appear to be within acceptable limits, as I interpret it.

      Currently, I am using the default PID's as per 3.2.1.

      I have tested > AltH, PosH, Loiter, RTL, Land > The R&P sticks appears to be

      responsive, so I deem it ' working ok ', but maybe not optimized.

      e.g. > In PosH, light tumble breeze, it is not really solid in the air though, drifting of position.

      I recon it is because the FC flight params eg PIDs has not been optimized? 

      I don't want to adjust the PIDs manually at this time.

      since I don't have enough experience to 'understand' how bad, or good, my adjustment would

      render the craft. (At the same time I am apprehensive that, by doing manual adjustment, via MP, then Try and Fly, I may damage the rig during flying, which, for me was an expensive build

      and most of the frame parts are not available locally ) For me rather baby-steps....

      I googled several vid/advice re PID adjustment how-to's

      Received valuable input from others on the forum.

      Read the wiki on ATun

      At this time, since I lack experience and confidence to do a manual PID tuning, I am opting for ATun.

      So this will be my next step.

      Just to confirm -

      1) I assume one have to do ATun in rather windless conditions?

      2) Can one do it in a big hall where there is no wind?

      3) From my understanding,  ATun does not make use of the GPS, thus 2)

      4) Since I am on 3.2.1 would you recommend me to upgrade to the latest stable FW 3.3.3?? prior to ATun

      In a perfect world I would have liked to make contact with a local fellow-hobbyist in my area whom

      I can contact and touch sides with, but at this time my current resources are DIY forums, the wiki,

      and the like, to learn and explore the interesting world of UAV.

      Anyway, thank you for your comments and interest in my posting here.



      Cape Town, South Africa

      • 1: yes, little to no is best, as long it's not turbulent and just steady, a few m/s is fine.

        2: depending on size of hall and UAV, you will always generate your own airflow in there after a while, and have less space - and no GPS.

        3: no autotune is done in alt-hold mode, it's not using GPS position in the traditional way, but uses it for AHRS, read and do as http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/indoor-flying.html says if flying indoors.

        4: yes, do upgrade. - and read all releasenotes for each version between (https://github.com/diydrones/ardupilot/blob/master/ArduCopter/Relea...)

        Indoor Flying Guidelines — Copter documentation
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