Banked Crash, 3 Times

Hello! This is my first post, with my first Quadcopter, as my First Remote Control Aircraft! (YAY!)

So I am Finally getting the hang of it and was on a 5-Flight No-Crash Streak.... When I Crashed.

I was Flying Level (in stabilize) and the quad goes into a 20-30 degree banked path into the ground. so it is tilting as it is rotating, kind of a sweep around and CRASH! After the crash the motors keep spinning, and I have trouble disarming it. You can see this somewhat in the video attached. This has happened 3 times at least, but not in a row, and exactly the same way. I have Cleared EEPROM, Re-flashed firmware, even remounted hardware, but to no avail, it still crashed again.

I flew it for 10-15 mins in my front yard at close range and it worked perfectly, but when i took it to the park an Hour later it got about 10 feet away and banked into a large metal play structure. this time i was ready, I took my fingers off the stick and cut throttle, but the copter maintained its course of doom, and accelerated into the ground. Kind of annoying. 

At this point I'm thinking it might by my RC Gear, A Turnigy X9 with stock firmware. Too crapy a radio. If i were to load ERX9 would that help? Would buying a new snap-in transmiter (from a better radio) help (what are those called)

Hope You can help

Tim V.

the out-of-control thing happens at about 0:18 in the video

PS the squeal at the end is the motor stalling on a nearby branch

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  • Well, I Flashed erx9 and picked up some openLRS modules....

    and it works!! 

  • The only thing I can add here and some of you might not like it is I would never use turnigy or anything like that with my expensive quad. Futaba, Hitec, JR etc etc.. I just feel that the stuff has proven itself for many many years and wont skimp on that sort of thing.  I have seen to many guys buy stuff cause it was cheaper and have problems.. Now it might not be the radio gear but I still stand by not using any of that "other" stuff.

  • I flew today and it happened again. Luckily nothing broke and now I have logs. I will upload the log when I get home. I had to crawl up to the copter and pull out the RC receiver cables because the motors were unresponsive and kept spinning after the crash. The fact that pulling the cables from the receiver points me again to a problem with the RC receiver/ transmitter system

  • Developer

    Hi mate, your video is private.

    It also really helps if you provide flash logs.

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