Bat-Amp-Prevolt Question

Sorry may have posted in wrong section-"Ground Stations". Re Posting her as it's MP question


Using MP 1.3.19 Build 1.1.5508.10848 and the Bat-Amp-Prevolt is sets to:

18.0018, not the 17 as specified in the text in the Full pramiters text for the PM.

My Amp reading appear High when using my Power Analyser, but it's a cheapie.

What should this value be for a 3dr Power modual on a Pixhawk? Using the latest Firmware and when redoing the set up calibrations etc I noticed this.


This is running on a windows XP sp3 machine with all the Last updates that are avaiable.  It is an older HP laptop (nx7400) that isn't woth upgrading and I only use it in the shop for my multoroters. It's been fine for this use so far.



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