Battery failsafe issue

I am getting very short flights on my recently built quad with a Pixhawk. I am using 3s 5100 MAH 35C (fairly new) packs.  The failsafe is left at the 10.4 voltage level set as the trip point to go into failsafe. in flight with the full electronic load, the motors, the Video Xmitter, the telemetry radio, the receiver and the OSD and Pixhawk, the current peaks around 30 amps, and varies somewhat during the short flight.  II land when I start hearing the failsafe tone, and when I go to charge the batteries, the charge indicates it is only about 50% discharged.. Also, it puts in less than 2000 mah back in to bring it to a full charge. At full charge, the 3S pack shows about 12.5 volts.

here is the log for voltage and current..

looking for an answer, do I need to try different batteries, or is the 3DR  power sensor faulty?



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