"Hey Chris! Big fan, you met my counterpart (Biren G) the other day. Just for context ;P
Haven't played with ROS2 much either, looked at it but most of my work has been on DroneKit/Mavlink based companions. So i'll get around to it when i'm not…"
"The 4gmetry is nothing more than an overpriced odroid like Bill mentioned. I have one and it's nice, but i don't want a fan on on a companion board. If i were to buy a FC for a Pi3, then it'd be a Navio2. Or you can go with a PXFmini for the Pi…"
"I really doubt they'll be releasing the Pixhawk2 as a standalone FC. Right now it's in the Solo, and there's an onboard "processor" that is tied to the processor in the transmitter. The only way i see it happening is if you purchase the transmitter…"
"I've got one of the new AUAV-X2q without the onboard converter. I flew it on a very cramped tricopter. Flew great. Love the board, ordered a second. Just got a pixhawk lite as well so i'll compare, but so far my tri is super stable and less glitchy…"
So i've been trying to build a quad for a friend of mine. I currently have a DJI 500 style quad, Sunnysky 2212 980kV, 10x4.5 props, APM 2.6. That's about it.Anyway, flies great. I have a pair of graupner 9x5's i used and they were solid in stab…
"Ok, so got some logs. I'm running 3.2.1 beta, had issues with drone not arming (yellow flashing, "DA-DUM" sad sound during attempting to arm). The logs say ACCEL pre-check, checking the logs it looks like my IMU1 is fine but the IMU2 isn't reporting…"
"I've seen that today. Can't calibrate it, tried outdoors 3 times. A little chilly.
Also same issue, some flights are perfect, and some I can't get off the ground. I need to manually disable all pre-arm to get it in the air. During flight, it's fine."
"I'm getting some pretty good times on my 4s 5000mah battery and 5010-360's from RC-timer. Running 1555 props from RCtimer as well. Getting a solid 15minutes, possibly 20 minutes with FPV (gopro3, gimbal, transmitter).
"Yeah my only beef is with the landing skids/gear. The original kit i got off ebay was all glass fiber and came in over 200g, with all the "mounts" for fpv and stuff it was like 500g, think heavy rubber grommets. Although i love the rail design, i…"
"I'm getting some great flight times on my 4S setup.
You can check out my video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdo5brnvK1I
Basically running weight without battery and gimbal/camera is 1200g, gimbal and camera is another 250g. Probably close to…"
I was flying today around my neighborhood. Around 6minutes 18 seconds into the flight, the pixhawk twitches hard and pitches up and to the right. I immediately started it back home and seemed to behave fine after that. Looking at the logs i don't…