Can someone tell me the differences between a Pixhawk and the Pixhawk 2 that 3DR is marketing as being supplied with the Solo?
I've tried searching, but only found vague references to Pixhawk 2.
Even the 3DR web site is very light with info about Pixhawk 2.
Perhaps the info is being kept quiet until the final release? If so, that's ok, just let us know.
He may have deleted them himself though.
Copy of each message is being sent to all participants of any discussion but unfortunately I ahve deleted my inbox messages. Could any of you have a look to see if can find those messages in his inbox?
It seems he deleted his profile
Based on what? The fact that it's listed as deleted?
Maybe he was paid off? Is that any worse than censorship?
In the past Chris Anderson and 3DR have been highly tolerant of criticism, and I greatly respected them for their willingness to refrain from censorship and follow their own rules.
If this has changed it would be good to know, but based on past performance I have to give them the benefit of the doubt, for now.
Thomas, I would not mind, if the Chinese would copy the design as I would want to do it as an open source project. After I have read your list of short comings in the Pixhawk 2 und threads in other forums, I have come to the conclusion, that it may be time, to define a real next generation Pixhawk, which would overcome most of the short comings in the Pixhawk and Pixhawk 2.
I have not seen a 300MHz announcement by ST for the STM32F7 family. They just talk about 216MHz. The 216 pin BGA package is fairly small. It has a 0.8mm ball pitch, so it can be easily put on a PCB without the need for special PCB technologies such as micro VIAs or buried VIAs. It offers up to 168 I/O pins, so there are plenty of pins of play with.
I think that Ethernet could come in handy on a next generation Pixhawk. Looking at the Solo design by 3DR, it looks like that they are moving into that direction as well. The photos show a 1GHz ARM processor and an Artheros processor hooked up to Wifi antennas. Today I use such Artheros based modules with openWRT for network switch and Wifi interface functions.
Such an openWRT module could interconnect this next generation Pixhawk and a 1GHz ARM module (single, dual or quad core). My choice for the ARM CPU module would be the CPU module of the HummingBoard (it is called MicroSOM). It is very compact and fairly affordable. I have just finished by first carrier board design with the MicroSOM module.
If one needs more than 2 Ethernet ports, I have a solution on the way. There is now a small module with the same hardware spec as the Carambola (400 MHz MIPS CPU with 64MB RAM and 16 MB Flash) but it has 5 Ethernet ports. I have designed a small module, which integrates this 5 port Ethernet switch with 2.4GHz Wifi and SimpleBGC Alexmos brushless gimbal controller.
38122-2 with MicroSOM.jpg
Fact is, that what you call "junk" , is working great for me since last year.
Fact is, that within our german AUAV-X2 thread (lots of owners , app. 2800 replys, 200.000 hits,) nobody complained about noise and nobody had trouble with it. Remarkably, after this announcement not only one user suggested to keep the old version.
Its small design w/o DF13 is even more popular than the 3DR PIXHAWK and pushed away 3DR clones down to basement down there.
And ArduPilot-Mega section sure is the largest german AC related community.
So I´m not the only one who highly appreciates that Phil and Nick did the efforts and took the risk to produce and ship this "junk" instead of whining about chinese copy assh..
I've got one of the new AUAV-X2q without the onboard converter. I flew it on a very cramped tricopter. Flew great. Love the board, ordered a second. Just got a pixhawk lite as well so i'll compare, but so far my tri is super stable and less glitchy than my pixhawk chinese clone.
very interesting! Can you provide some more details? Is your design commercially available?
Thanks and best regards,