"Confirm. I did around 90 batteries since february on my sample builds F450,Robocat 270 and Cheerson CX-20 mainly with PX4 and I didnt notice hardware issues. One demo of feb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrkPuVX1UHs"
"I used the live calibration as well (since I didn´t know what the onboard does) Auto Accept always finished far too early (after 180°),turned it off but still had a lot of calibration failures till I got it finished.
It always showed Err 99 for the…"
"1. The EKF status window is reporting partly heavy movements (Mainly Velocity up to red , Pos Hor/Vert,Compass a little) while the copter is setting on the balcony desk (@ low HDOP <1) .
2. The MAG calibration is working for all compass, (turning…"
"You´ll be able to measure Voltage w/o arming the motors with the ACSP4 as well :-) Voltage measurement is done by a simple resistor divider (which requires diff. setup depending on FC)"
"Yes. Works well for me with these settings :
Keep in mind: Voltage calibration w/o load and current calibration should be done with a hi amp load (e.g. couple of Halo bulbs) Don´t expect proper current readings without load. This is not meant to…"
"Philip,Tridge: Thx a lot. Very nice, my first copter with 3 MAG . (2 internal and one external)
Could you please explain:
1. Does v4 APM use all MAG if enabled ? (Averaging ?)
2. Redundancy ? Switchover during flight in case of a failure ?"
"My r14 board has Probs with Hott (Graupner) PPM as well.
Calibration works fine, but RC Receiver message appears quite often and Failsafe ´s getting engaged. Probs with 3.3.4 (Pixracer stable), as well as with current master. 4/6/2016
"1. The ACSP5 is coming bare, w/o the wire harness, battery cable , or distri board since most users have their own requirements, application related. However, the Pixracer kit includes 2 cables JST GH, one 35mm, the other with 150mm, as shown below.…"
"Sorry , didn´t realize, that you´re new. The so called GPS cable for 3DR GPS+MAG can be used for latest 3DR telemetry as well. Same pinout. Works right away.
So if you need two, just order a second one. If you want to operate with RTS/CTS as well…"
"3DR radio cable is included (JST-GH 6 Pin > DF 13 6 Pin), or available @ AUAV.co for a bargain price. I connected mine with it . (The case of the 3DR air module V2 is stripped, a 3DR IRIS leftover)"
"As DG stated, some are clones of the PX4v2 Gen, (1:1 copies), some are derivates (about same components / concept) of it . Pixhawk 2 is v3 gen, Pixracer is v4 gen."
"They are standard Dupont connectors, usually coming with Servos and ESC. See them at the Pixracer Instructions page pics on http://px4.io/docs/pixracer/"