Question about drones- any experts here?


I have an unusual request regarding someone who has admitted to putting up a drone opposite my house to spy on me. Every night I see the lights blinking from the rooftop opposite my house and it never flies anywhere, it just hovers very slowly at the same spot. My plan is to put up my own to film it, either as evidence for the police, or to find out where it goes when it flies ‘home’.

My main questions are: 

- is it possible for a total beginner to follow the drone on its flight path home and if so, how?

- The drone is inaudible but still very visible - it seems to be just above rooftop level. How high does this mean that it’s flying?

- If the drone is solar powered, does the battery last the entire night and if not, how long?

- Is it possible to get a photo of the drone’s serial number or anything else which would make it traceable to its owner? How good would the photographic quality need to be?

My other question is regarding Lidar scanning, which I have heard others talk of but do not know much about. Can you tell me the function of this?

- Finally, is there any model you could recommend that ideally would have good night vision but also be possible for someone with no experience to use?

Overall, any advice that other forum members could give me would be very much appreciated. If it makes any difference, I live in the UK.

Thanks in advance! I think the concept of drones is amazing, it’s just a shame that some people abuse them.

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    • I´m sure, she needs help. But from other experts who will probably recommend to double the Risperdal or Seroquel dose.

  • @Chloe,


    Every night I see the lights blinking from the rooftop opposite my house and it never flies anywhere, it just hovers very slowly at the same spot. My plan is to put up my own to film it,"

    Exactly, you need camera evidence on tangible media first.

    Lights blinking torture known as "light flickering" or "stroboscope effect", is generated by

    slowly rotating wind turbines against the sun light, generating infrasonic stimulation of your mind, elerting your brain at night, overclocking brain waves from 15Hz-20Hz (dream relaxation) to 30Hz-40Hz (alert) resulting in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    Read Wind Farm Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome research papers from Medline or WHO.


    Try to illuminate object on the roof emitting lights blinking and take photos.

    Are you living alone ?

    No family members, friends to help you ?


    Read about Water Drop Torture ( infrasonic brain stimulation) on the Internet

  • Gotta love sea lions ...

    Matt, you were almost right  in your answers! Almost ... But sorry, check your math  ...

    - "This means it's flying at 316.3 meters AGL."  Nope. Correct answer is 321.47 meters AGL.

    - "With a 23.7 gPixel camera, this isn't a problem". Err, wrong again. Minimum is 37.4 gPixels.

    Other than that, dead on! But as an expert, please take the time to carefully review the accuracy of your answers next time ... Lives may depend on them!

    @JB and Hughes: Please stop spreading false information and pretending you are experts. If you truly were, you'd know they are neither grey nor green. They are yellow,  with some red tints occasionally. Just ask Darius Jack ...

    • Humm ... Humm..

      Sorry for not speaking out loud, but this is pretty classified scientific and technological stuff, that you are not aware of that I will talk about:

      The ''bird'' is not solar but lunar powered, this is why it can fly all night. These energy-cells are using ''dark matter'' and transform ''dark energy'' into usable electricity by ionizing the upper atmosphere of the electrons.

      This is not a Lidar but a Liaar we are talking here: Low infrared alpha activity reflection. It is a very sensitive scanner that read an analyze in real time the apha brain waves so it KNOWS  what people think - consciously AND subconsciously - in a radius of 5 Km and redirect all the information to a central computer.

      So forget about aliens, and think of Big Brother......

      • Lol Patrick

        I told you; you need to stop re-watching and finally delete those new episodes of X-Files from your Tivo buddy! 

        In this case it's simply 'lune' powered infrawave induced psycosis on a global scale that drives this 'in-human', drone like activity. It's neither the aliens or the government, nor directly the technology they use in secret that is the problem, nor the cause of deceit and's simply the mass infection of manipulated information, delivered in plain sight, that causes the cultural pursuit of these wrong ideas! 

        "Free" energy is possible. You simply have to stop paying for it....  ;-)


        John D

        I'm not going to get into a discussion with you about alien colour or their derived 'race'. I know my colours and I know what I've seen...they're all green! :-p

    • I don't mind the aliens.  Their technology is welcome.

      It's the illegal aliens that chafe my panties!

  • It's (a little) fun, on a slow day, to speculate from Chloe's questions who she actually might be, and what she actually might be up to, based on the questions.

    (total beginner + lidar scanning + good night vision + accurate height estimation + can a drone be traced by photographing its serial number = ?)


    • +1 MattTM


      Nice! I think all the answers here are accurate. All apart from the grey aliens ones. They're not grey, everyone knows aliens are green! Duh! ;-)

  • Here are some very specific answers consistent with the perspective of the questions:

    - is it possible for a total beginner to follow the drone on its flight path home and if so, how?  

    Yes, just press the "follow" button.

    - The drone is inaudible but still very visible - it seems to be just above rooftop level. How high does this mean that it’s flying?

    This means it's flying at 316.3 meters AGL.

    - If the drone is solar powered, does the battery last the entire night and if not, how long?

    Yes, it does last all night long, 3 weeks in fact.

    - Is it possible to get a photo of the drone’s serial number or anything else which would make it traceable to its owner? How good would the photographic quality need to be?

    With a 23.7 gPixel camera, this isn't a problem - in fact you can keep the camera in your pocket.  Especially if the drone itself is simply made of a massive serial number.

    - My other question is regarding Lidar scanning, which I have heard others talk of but do not know much about. Can you tell me the function of this?

    Lidar is synonymous with X-ray vision.

    - Finally, is there any model you could recommend that ideally would have good night vision but also be possible for someone with no experience to use?

    You could try something called a "Globalhawk".  They can be hard to get ahold of though - apparently there are a lot of people with situations similar to yours that need them.

    Best of luck to you!

  • Tin foil hat will go a long way.

    Why dont you just find the guy who is flying it an ask him about it. Why do you have to do some kind of counter attack.The next time you see it flying just go for a walk around the block and you will find the dude flying it. DO NOT go finding him with anger that will get you no where. Be nice about it and ask him how it works wan what he is doing. Maybe you will find out that is not about bombs and terrorist and in fact just a really fun hobby.

    It’s just a shame that some people abuse them.

    You don't know what he is doing with it so so don't accuse people of things you know noting about. 

    FYI. You asking about Lidar is way off. What do you think he is scanning your brain or something? Your making yourself look like a fool.

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