Pixhawk wierd glitch

I was flying today around my neighborhood. Around 6minutes 18 seconds into the flight, the pixhawk twitches hard and pitches up and to the right. I immediately started it back home and seemed to behave fine after that. Looking at the logs i don't see anything crazy. 

Can someone take a look at these and let me know what happened? I've got the video i'll post if it'll help.

Flying in Atl-Hold

Pixhawk 3.1.5

Quad 5010-360 RCtimer

15x5.5 props 

SimonK ESC 30amp

FPV gear

2014-09-23 08-21-43.log

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  • My custom hex did that not long ago.  Best I can tell, a bad XT60 connector was creating voltage spikes that caused the pixhawk to reset.

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