Beginner Question

Just so I can kind of "get my arms around" adding UAV to an existing RC plane, could someone make a kind of master list as to what else is needed?
I fly RC planes and helis and am currently fooling around with an Arduino Duemilanove, and I'm really interested in UAV flight.

 It's important to add that I would, at least at this point, like to take a 'low budget' approach. It doesn't have to be the absolute minimal cost route, but a low cost one that will allow reasonable performance. I think I would like to be able to program waypoints, but if that sends the cost way up then no, not now. We can get fancy later!




P.S. I've read the Newbie's Guide but am still not clear on the basic bomponents that are needed for UAV flight beyond the plane itself. It seems you need the ArduPilot, GPS and an XYZ sensor...but there's got to be more(?)

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  • Moderator
    The heading pages for ArduPilot and ArduPilotMega each list exactly what you need... the list is laid out quite well.

    Just know the Mega is still in the early stage and the software is not entirely ready for primetime.

    (also, the AP boards themselves are not available at the diydrones store... pick them up at Sparkfun, others)
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